Cookie policy
How Persona use and protect personal information that you give us when you use this website.
Understanding how and why we use cookies
We use cookies to provide you with the best experience and a customised service when you access this website. This Policy explains what cookies are, how we use them and what benefits they bring. Cookies are small text files that are sent to and stored on your computer, smartphone or other device for accessing the Internet, whenever you visit a website. These files are harmless and won't affect your computer.
Cookies make the interaction between you and the website faster and easier. If a website doesn't use cookies, it will think you are a new visitor every time you move to a new page on the site - for example, when you enter your login details and move to another page it won't recognise you and it won't be able to keep you logged in.
Each cookie is unique to your web browser. It will contain some anonymous information such as a unique identifier and the site name and some digits and numbers. Cookies are specific to the server that created them and cannot be accessed by other servers, which means that they cannot be used to track your movements around the web. Passwords and credit card numbers are not stored in cookies.
Some of the cookies we use are essential for parts of our website to work and have already been set. These go beyond simply clicking on links and can be used when you log in, submit a form or interact with the site. We also use some non-essential cookies to track how users navigate around the website, which pages they visit and for how long. We do not collect any personal information. These cookies improve your browsing experience by measuring how you use the website so we can improve your experience and for remembering information you've given (e.g. whether you want the menu open or closed). Cookies may be set by the website you are visiting ('first party cookies') or they may be set by other websites who run content on the page you are viewing ('third party cookies'). We don't sell the information collected by cookies, nor do we disclose the information to third parties, except where required by law (for example, to government bodies and law enforcement agencies). You can change your web browser settings to notify you before a cookie is downloaded or you can disable cookies altogether. However, disabling cookies may mean that certain content or functionality will not work properly for you. To learn more about cookies and how to manage them, visit
Current Cookie Consent
You have currently opted-out of using cookies.
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